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How Virke is saving time using ShiftX

Virke uses ShiftX to determine which of their processes can be digitalized and streamlined. They have saved time and involved a larger part of their organization in doing so.
Two people looking at a lap top screen, with blue transparent overlay and the Virke logo over it
Thomas Trier
Chief digitalization and IT officer, Virke
ShiftX is so visual that people don't need training to start using it.
Document 50% faster
Now use half the time documenting process workshops, as ShiftX can be used while facilitating them
More engaged employees
More people contribute in mapping the processes, as ShiftX does not require training
Enabled quick ideation
ShiftX is an easy way to sketch out and test process ideas, as the possibility to switch things up and change things around are swift

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Thomas Trier is responsible for Digitalization and IT at Hovedorgansasjonen Virke, the Federation of Norwegian Enterprise.

– Digitalizing Virke is about finding ways to work more effectively, to reduce manual tasks, and find ways to automate, Trier says.

They use ShiftX to get a visual picture of the organization's as-is situation and find ways to optimize their workflows, creating a to-be scenario.

– We wanted to find a notation that is easy to understand and efficiently document our processes. There are models with complicated notations, but with ShiftX, you don't need the training to get started – it's a visual tool that doesn't require extensive onboarding and guidance.

Save time documenting workshops

Virke has been using ShiftX for process analysis and documentation.

– We have been doing a lot of process analysis, where ShiftX makes it easy for us to communicate, share, and let others take part, be involved, and read what has been drawn and decided. And we use it to test ideas quickly – is this possible to solve? says Trier.

They have saved time not having to document workshops.

– Using ShiftX, we can facilitate, draw and adjust during the workshop and document and develop "on the fly." ShiftX makes change easy. In Visio, for example, you can't draw in the tool and facilitate the workshop simultaneously. With ShiftX, we can do that. We are now spending less than half the time documenting workshops compared to what we did before.

Customer journeys and internal processes

They have used the tool mostly to plan and communicate internal processes and customer journeys.

– We have mapped out flows like sick leave and external customer inquiries. That way, we get a better picture of which systems and underlying processes are involved and get the right questions from those that solve the tasks and work with the systems, Thomas says.

View one of Virke's flows

To get a better picture of how Virke has been using ShiftX, you can see one of their public flows mapped out for yourself in the ShiftX embed below.

Want to see it bigger, inside ShiftX? Have a look at how Virke has drawn up their customer inquiry flow in ShiftX here.

ShiftX gives you the possibility to map out issues at each step in your process. These will not be shared in the public link, to not overshare business-sensitive information. So the issues Virke have mapped out in their shared public flow will not be visible. But to give you the full picture we have made up some issues and made an illustration, to also show you a flow including issues.

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